Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership "Learning Opportunities on Digital and Employability skills for Young Adults with Behavioral and Cognitive Disabilities (LINK)" recently held its second transnational project meeting in Portugal. During the meeting, hosted by Agrupamento de Escolas de Anadia, the partnership had the opportunity to discuss and plan the next steps of the project, as well as to review the progress made so far. During the first day of the meeting, the partnership took the opportunity to review the current status of the project and agreed on the final structure of the project results, namely the Curriculum and Handbook. The second day was focused on the presentation of the final Curriculum schemes and a revision of the activities foreseen in the curriculum. Additionally, partners discussed the content and organization of the local trainings for associated partners. The partners worked hard during the meeting, but they also had the chance to immerse themselves in Portuguese culture. They enjoyed visiting the beautiful beaches of Aveiro and attending a traditional Fado show in Coimbra, which provided a pleasant break from the meeting activities.
One important aspect of the meeting was the verification of the results of the mid-term monitoring questionnaire. The results were analyzed and discussed, and the partnership is pleased to report a high level of satisfaction in relation to communication inside the partnership, involvement, and envisaged outcomes. One of the key outcomes of the project so far is the development of the curriculum, which is almost ready for release. 5 modules dealing with different activities to develop digital skills and competences for entering the job market activities. Additionally, partners are currently working on writing the different chapters of the handbook, which will be a valuable resource for those interested in the project's subject matter and for those who will be willing to implement the proposed learning path. Partnership is excited about the potential impact of the project on the lives of young adults with behavioral and cognitive disabilities.
The MORALSTEAM project is ending bringing to schools, teachers, education staff and pupils innovative and gamified tools to use in the classroom! The videogame for children aged 10-14 years was released and is available in 4 languages (EN, BG, IT, LT) providing a gamified learning experience for exploring value education and moral education together with knowledge on STEM topics. Children can go through several challenges and moral dilemmas related to STEM topic, e.g. healthy food, constellation, drones, recycling, arts and much more! Decision making takes the form of value point collections, giving in the end an overview of the results gathered, according to the approach adopted with the Encyclopedia of Virtue. The Encyclopedia, developed as an external project output, is integrated and accessible also in 4 languages (EN, BG, IT, LT), containing values description tailored to pupils' understanding. The game is accessibile through this link: A research was conducted in all partner countries after a game testing phase into school which allowed over 600 children aged 10-14 to play the game and give the project partners their feedback. The research allowed the partners to investigate the potential effectiveness, the usability and user satisfacion in playing the game. The overall results showed a highly positive outcome and the likelihood the game will be used and re-used by teachers for moral dilemmas learning and value acquisition in the classroom!
This project is co-funded by Erasmus+
It was a long journey that brought us here. A journey in which seven partners across Europe, Erasmus Learning Academy (IT), Osnovna Skola Sveti Sava (RS), Obrtnicko Uciliste (HR), Asociatia Demetrius (RO), Comparative Research Network (DE), Cfie Miranda De Ebro (ES), Fundacja Mode (PL), met in a Strategic Partnership, funded by Erasmus+ KA2 Projects, with the purpose of supporting the social inclusion of low skilled people by contributing to the development of a flexible blended gamified learning offer allowing them to develop the key competences. Today we are happy to announce that the Intellectual Outputs of the project are finally ready to be downloaded and to become inspiration for Adult Educators from all over Europe. What have we produced?
On the 6th and 7th September it was held the Final TPM, which was hosted by FUNDACJA MODE in the wonderful Wroclaw. During the meeting we had the opportunity to meet all the partners for the last time in the project, and we had the chance to discuss the results and, most importantly, the project sustainability.
In conclusion, it was a really good experience, in which all of us had the chance to discover the power of gamification, to contribute positively to the European educational field and, of course, to create rich and fruitful connections all over Europe.
Find more about this project on and discover more about our Erasmus + projects following this link. (Italian version below)
Erasmus Learning Academy (IT), Agrupamento de Escolas de Anadia (PT), Education Center of Rokiskis Municipality (LT), CEPA TERESA ENRIQUEZ (ES), Maria's World Foundation (BG) are proud to present the Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership "Learning Opportunities on Digital and Employability skills for Young Adults with Behavioral and Cognitive Disabilities (LINK)" co-funded by the European Union. The need analysis undertaken pointed out that the completion of secondary education is a crucial and scary moment for adults with behavioural and cognitive disabilities and their families. In front of them there is the risk of being excluded from society and from the job market. Secondary schools make a great effort to support the transition to the job market but many young adults with behavioural disorders and mild cognitive disabilities, despite having the potential for actively participating in the society and its economy, fail this transition. In this context, post-secondary and adult education can play a crucial role. It emerges however that only few adult education institutions and disability day care centers offer structured high learning possibilities to adults with behavioural and cognitive disabilities (AwBCD). Following the needs analysis, the main aim of the project is to allow AwBCD aged 19-24 to develop digital and employability skills enabling them to actively participate in the society and find a job. Objectives The partnership will pursue the following project objectives:
The project activities aim to achieve two main results. The first one is a modular blended adult education course on digital and employability skills, with 90 hours of face-to-face instruction and 120 hours of distance learning. Digital pedagogy and gamification mechanics will be applied to both the classroom and the distance education offering new and more tailored ways of learning. While the second one will be a Handbook on digital and gamified learning activities for adults with behavioral and cognitive disabilities, based on the concrete experiences of the partners including the ones of the local LINK courses. LINK handbook will be structured as a practical tool enabling adult educators to easily integrate in their existing courses digital activities and tools, new technologies, game mechanics and game-based digital apps. It will serve as well as a supporting reference to implement the LINK course or to reuse and adapt it to be totally or partially embedded in another existing curriculum (both in adult education or in a different sector). Activities planned during the project The project plan includes various activities to prepare, shape and guide the project results development. An Open Web Conference on Gamification, Game-based learning and digital learning will be organized online targeting people among internal staff of partner organizations, associated partners and general public in which the partners will have a chance to present the project and its objectives, besides highlighting the importance of the pedagogies explored in the framework of LINK. All participants will then be free to contribute by sharing their experience and best practices on the use of gamification, for the purpose of providing a fertile ground to develop the Project Results, creating engagement and encouraging active participation among the partner organization. A solid Awareness Campaign will be carried out through online social media campaigns, virtual meetings and events, face-to-face meetings targeting local stakeholders and AwBCD. The aim is to raise awareness on the needs and potential of AwBCD and the learning opportunities that can unleash it, sensitise the audience towards social inclusion and showcase successful stories of members of the target group. A 8 hour training for associated partners will be carried out in each partner country to showcase the use of LINK Adult Education Course and select the adult educators who will be involved in the Local Adult Education Courses, which will also be organized in each country to implement the LINK course. A selected target group will be involved, while adult Educators will benefit from a Draft version of the LINK Handbook supporting them in the delivery of the course. Specific measures will be enacted to ensure support for active participation, logistic support and follow-up support. The aim of these two activities is to empower AwBCD to experience an innovative educational and training opportunity, gain a feedback about the LINK Adult Education Course and inspire and enable Adult Educators to organize high quality learning opportunities for AwBCD. Dissemination activities are also crucial in order to ensure that activities and results are properly promoted to the external audience. Besides traditional social media reach, the project partners will engage in meeting with local stakeholder and in the creation of the “LINK Network” for cross-sectoral cooperation serving the purpose of creating new learning opportunities involving diverse stakeholders at the EU level. The main dissemination activity will be 5 Multiplier Events (1 in each country), they will involve at least 300 among representatives and staff of specialized centres for people with disabilities, Adult Educators working with people with disabilities, Adult educator trainers, olicy makers, AwBCD and their families. In particular, the events intend to illustrate the project achievements while raising awareness on the benefits of gamification education with learners with behavioural and cognitive disabilities and other groups with fewer opportunities. Expected impact LINK is expected to impact on several levels: At the LOCAL LEVEL: We expect benefits for AwBCD reinforcing their awareness of the learning possibilities they have and also inspiring them to engage more in education. We expect also an impact on representative and staff of specialized centres for people with disabilities, adult organizations working with people with disabilities and policy makers so as to reduce the distances between them and the families of AwBCD and unleash their willingness and ability to promote and engage in innovative learning and educational opportunities to foster digital and employability skills of AwBCD. At the REGIONAL and NATIONAL LEVEL, we expect to see an impact on institutions in the adult education sector that will be able to use the results of the project to improve their services. The contribution of associated partners and stakeholders will be crucial for a more inclusive digital transformation of the education ecosystem. At EUROPEAN LEVEL, the expected impact is related to adult education organizations, education and support centres for people with disabilities and other interested beneficiaries. Through dissemination activities and a transnational cooperation, the project will give visibility to the opportunities promoted by the European Programs, especially Erasmus+ in the Adult Education sector and this will enhance the aptitude for the design of transnational projects and the development of new adult education practices. At the SYSTEM LEVEL, LINK will reinforce the inclusive education system producing uptakes of adult education learning, a higher focus on education and training of the disability service sector and the affirmation of gamification as an effective pedagogy for social inclusion. Also, it will lead to a different approach in designing education paths, a digital transformation of the inclusive education system and an increased human and social capital of the EU. Erasmus+ Project LINK - Learning Opportunities on Digital and Employability Skills for Young Adults with Behavioural and Cognitive Disabilities Le organizzazioni Erasmus Learning Academy (IT), Agrupamento de Escolas de Anadia (PT), Education Center of RokiskisMunicipality (LT), CEPA TERESA ENRIQUEZ (ES) e Maria's World Foundation (BG) sono orgogliose di presentare il progetto a Partnership Strategica “LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES ON DIGITAL AND EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS FOR YOUNG ADULTS WITH BEHAVIOURAL AND COGNITIVE DISABILITIES (LINK)” all’interno del programma Erasmus+ KA2 e cofinanziato dall'Unione Europea. L'analisi dei bisogni che è stata svolta ha messo in luce quanto il completamento dell'istruzione secondaria sia un momento cruciale e spaventoso per gli adulti con disabilità comportamentali e cognitive e per le loro famiglie. Davanti a loro c'è il rischio di essere esclusi dalla società e dal mercato del lavoro. Sono molteplici gli sforzi che le scuole secondarie fanno a sostegno della transizione verso il mercato del lavoro, nonostante ciò molti giovani adulti con disturbi comportamentali e lievi disabilità cognitive, pur avendo il potenziale per partecipare attivamente alla società e contribuire all’economia del paese, falliscono in questo passaggio. In questo contesto, l'istruzione post-secondaria e degli adulti risulta ricoprire un ruolo fondamentale. Tuttavia, stando ai numeri, solo pochi istituti di istruzione per adulti e centri diurni per disabili offrono possibilità di apprendimento ben strutturate e di qualità agli adulti con disabilità comportamentali e cognitive (AwBCD). Facendo seguito all'analisi dei bisogni, l'obiettivo principale del progetto è consentire agli AwBCD con un’età compresa tra i 19 e i 24 anni di sviluppare digital and employability skills che consentano loro di partecipare attivamente alla società e di trovare un lavoro. Obiettivi La partnership si impegnerà a perseguire i seguenti obiettivi:
Le attività del progetto mirano a raggiungere due risultati principali. Il primo sarà un corso diviso in moduli che mira allo sviluppo delle digital and employability skills fatto su misura per i bisogni di adulti con disabilità cognitive e comportamentali con un’età compresa tra i 19 e i 24 anni che hanno concluso il percorso scolastico secondario, ma non riescono a fare il loro ingressonel mondo del lavoro. Il corso LINK sarà erogato in modalità blended con 90 ore di insegnamento frontale e 120 di apprendimento a distanza. Saranno applicati i principi della pedagogia digitale e della Gamification sia per la formazione in aula che per quella a distanza, offrendo nuove modalità di apprendimento più personalizzate. Il secondo sarà un manuale sulle attività di apprendimento digitale e gamificato per adulti con disabilità comportamentali e cognitive, basato sulle esperienze concrete dei partner, comprese quelle dei corsi LINK locali. Il manuale LINK sarà strutturato come uno strumento pratico che consentirà agli educatori per adulti di introdurre facilmente nei loro corsi attività e strumenti digitali, nuove tecnologie, meccaniche di gioco e applicazioni digitali basate sul gioco. Servirà anche come riferimento per implementare il corso LINK e potrà esseree adattarto per essere inserito totalmente o parzialmente in altri curricula (sia nel campo dell’educazione degli adulti che in altri). Attività previste durante il progetto Sono previste varie attività per preparare, modellare e guidare lo sviluppo dei risultati. Verrà organizzata una Open Web Conference online sulla Gamification, apprendimento game-based e apprendimento digitale, rivolta al personale interno delle organizzazioni partner, ai partner associati e al pubblico in generale, in cui i partner avranno la possibilità di presentare il progetto e i suoi obiettivi, oltre a sottolineare l'importanza delle pedagogie esplorate nell'ambito di LINK. Tutti i partecipanti saranno poi liberi di contribuire condividendo le proprie esperienze e le migliori pratiche sull'uso della gamification, allo scopo di fornire un terreno fertile per sviluppare i risultati del progetto, creando coinvolgimento e incoraggiando la partecipazione attiva tra le organizzazioni partner. Una solida campagna di sensibilizzazione sarà condotta attraverso campagne online sui social media, incontri ed eventi virtuali, incontri in presenza rivolti agli stakeholder locali e agli AwBCD. L'obiettivo è quello di sensibilizzare il pubblico riguardo bisogni e le potenzialità degli AwBCD e sulle opportunità di apprendimento che possono metterle in risalto, di sensibilizzare il pubblico verso una maggiore inclusione sociale e di mostrare storie di successo di membri del gruppo target. In ogni Paese partner verrà svolta una formazione per i partner associati con una durata di 8 ore allo scopo di illustrare l'uso del corso di formazione per adulti LINK e selezionare gli educatori per adulti che saranno coinvolti nei corsi locali organizzati in ogni Paese per implementare il corso LINK. Verrà coinvolto un gruppo target selezionato, mentre gli educatori per adulti beneficeranno di una bozza del Manuale LINK che li supporterà durante l’erogazione del corso. Saranno adottate misure specifiche per garantire il sostegno alla partecipazione attiva, il supporto logistico e il follow-up. L'obiettivo di queste due attività è quello di permettere agli AwBCD di sperimentare un'opportunità educativa e formativa innovativa, di ottenere un feedback sul corso di formazione per adulti LINK e di ispirare e dare la possibilità agli educatori per adulti di organizzare opportunità di apprendimento di alta qualità per gli AwBCD. Anche le attività di divulgazione saranno cruciali per garantire una adeguata promozione delle attività e dei risultati verso il pubblico esterno. Oltre alla tradizionale diffusione sui social media, i partner del progetto si impegneranno a realizzare degli incontri con gli stakeholder locali e a curare la "Rete LINK" per la cooperazione intersettoriale allo scopo di creare nuove opportunità di apprendimento coinvolgendo diversi stakeholder a livello europeo. La principale attività di disseminazione sarà costituita da 5 multiplier events (1 in ogni Paese), che coinvolgeranno almeno 300 persone tra rappresentanti e personale di centri specializzati per persone con disabilità, educatori per adulti che lavorano con persone con disabilità, formatori di educatori per adulti, policy makers, AwBCD e le loro famiglie. In particolare, gli eventi intendono illustrare i risultati del progetto e sensibilizzare sui benefici della gamification educativa per gli studenti con disabilità comportamentali e cognitive e per altri gruppi con minori opportunità. Impatto atteso L'impatto di LINK è previsto a diversi livelli: A LIVELLO LOCALE: sono attesi benefici per gli AwBCD: sarà rafforzata la loro consapevolezza delle possibilità di apprendimento e saranno ispirati a impegnarsi maggiormente nell'istruzione. È atteso anche un impatto sui rappresentanti e sul personale dei centri specializzati per le persone con disabilità, sulle organizzazioni di adulti che lavorano con le persone con disabilità e sui policy makers, in modo da ridurre le distanze tra loro e le famiglie degli AwBCD e liberare la loro volontà e capacità di promuovere e impegnarsi in opportunità educative e di apprendimento innovative per promuovere le digital and employability skills degli AwBCD. A LIVELLO REGIONALE e NAZIONALE, è atteso un impatto sulle istituzioni del settore dell'educazione degli adulti, le quali potranno utilizzare i risultati del progetto per migliorare i loro servizi. Il contributo dei partner e degli stakeholder associati sarà fondamentale per una trasformazione digitale più inclusiva dell'ecosistema educativo. A LIVELLO EUROPEO, l'impatto previsto è legato alle organizzazioni di educazione degli adulti, ai centri di educazione e supporto per le persone con disabilità e ad altri beneficiari interessati. Attraverso le attività di disseminazione e la cooperazione transnazionale, il progetto darà visibilità alle opportunità promosse dai programmi europei, in particolare al programma Erasmus+, nel settore dell'educazione degli adulti e questo rafforzerà l'attitudine all'ideazione di progetti transnazionali e allo sviluppo di nuove pratiche di educazione degli adulti. A LIVELLO DI SISTEMA, LINK promuoverà un sistema di istruzione inclusiva mirando ad un aumento dell'apprendimento in età adulta, una maggiore attenzione all'istruzione e alla formazione da parte del settore dei servizi per la disabilità ed inoltre l'affermazione della gamification come pedagogia efficace per l'inclusione sociale. Porterà ad un approccio diverso nei confronti della progettazione di percorsi educativi, ad una trasformazione digitale di un sistema educativo ancora più inclusivo e ad un aumento del capitale umano e sociale dell'UE. (Italian version below) “To be a virtuous person is to display, by acts of will, all or at least most of the six ubiquitous virtues: wisdom, courage, humanity, justice, temperance, and transcendence.” Martin Seligman With these words, Seligman begins the Encyclopedia of Virtue, which is has been an important tool for the development of the MORALSTEAM project under the Erasmus+ programme.
The created menu items allows the player to restart or continue the game at the selected stage (11 in total). This option will allow to discuss the children's choices and replay the chosed situation in class and/or individually. | The game mechanics is simple and effective, corresponding to the capabilities of children aged 10-12, indeed the storyline flows and value choices are made with a simple click of the mouse! |
The menu will also gather information on the project and the research conducted on 10-12 y.o. children in the partner countries‘ schools (Lithuania, Bulgaria and Italy), on the basis of which the situations in the game were created.
The storyline of the game changes according to the player's choices, which are based on the theory of spiral dynamics. This means that choices are formulated matching and respecting a wide spectrum of virtues affecting players‘ choices.
All partners provided suggestions on how the game could display points-values for certain choices and how the results are displayed. Based on the proposals, Tag of joy will program the awarding of points-values.
The partners discussed then the next phases of the project, inclusing translation into the languages of the project partners and testing the game with children. A second research will follow the testing, whereby children will be asked to rate and express their opinion on the game developed. The final version of the game will be presented at the final dissemination events.
We can't wait for children to test the game and for the last steps of the project!
Stay tuned ;)
The partnership will count on the engagement of 7 institutions all around Europe: Fundacja MODE (Poland), Primary school “Sveti Sava” (Serbia), CFIE de Ebro (Spain), Craft College (Croatia), Demetrius Association (Romania), The Comparative Research Network (Germany).
The project partners will engage in exploring the educational potential of Gamification and game-based learning as an innovative instrument for enhancing active participation, engagement and inclusion in education and in society. The main objective of the project is to support the social inclusion of low skilled adults with a migrant background or belonging to a minority by contributing to the development and increase of a flexible blended gamified learning offer. To this end, the partnership will design a modular blended upskilling learning coursethat addresses the key competences in an innovative way and allows for the recognition of prior knowledge. The course will integrate game-based mechanics and game thinking to turn the learning process as a whole into a game as well as practical apps and tools to use games as part of the learning process. The project aims additionally to empower adult educators to use Gamification and game-based learning to deal with diversified groups and improve the quality of their teaching practice.
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